Jason Whitlock: Manziel Is JaMarcus Russell Wrapped In Justin Bieber’s Body

Johnny Manziel has earned a few rotten reviews of late, but this one might be the worst – at least from the perspective of Raider fans and un-Beliebers. Courtesy of Jason Whitlock on The Herd With Colin Cowherd

In case you’re not able to watch, Whitlock explained why he called Manziel “JaMarcus Russell wrapped in Justin Bieber’s body.”

“That’s who he is. JaMarcus Russell loved purple drink and loved to party. He loved to be flashy. I mean as soon as he got in the NFL he bought all that jewelry, the fur coat, and the whole nine yards. And to me Johnny Manziel looks like a grown up Justin Bieber. He’s the mini version of JaMarcus Russell and Justin Bieber’s also an idiot, a guy that likes to party a lot so when I look at Johnny Manziel, I see JaMarcus Russell, idiot, and Justin Bieber, idiot.”

And with that, this enduring image to bring everything full circle…


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